Free & Open Source Software (FOSS) for Humanity

Corportate Social Responsibilities (CSR) by icrewsystems.
"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much"
- Hellen Keller

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Why? Because we can.

When we come across an interesting idea that solves a problem, touches lives or at the least does good to one soul, if the entire process can be made better with tech, we roll our sleeves up and get to work. It's a part of who we are.


Lives touched, with the help of tech

Leonard Selvaraja - CEO
Samay Bhattacharya,
Head of Engineering

Technology is the biggest tool we have in our tool chest. We have the power to convert an idea, into a project, which in turn touches lives. There's something different about contributing to these FOSS Humanity projects. It's a feeling of satisfaction, knowing that the code produced by your very hands is helping someone to be fed (feedthepoor), sheltered or in some cases, stay alive (COVID19verifiedresources).

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COVID-19 Resources

Quick has all the right tools in order to make your website building process a breeze and automatize your time-consuming tasks in your development workflow with Gulp toolkit and BrowserSync live browser reload.

Feed The Poor

Quick has all the right tools in order to make your website building process a breeze and automatize your time-consuming tasks in your development workflow with Gulp toolkit and BrowserSync live browser reload.

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Green Earth

Quick has all the right tools in order to make your website building process a breeze and automatize your time-consuming tasks in your development workflow with Gulp toolkit and BrowserSync live browser reload.

Our Projects
These were our ideas once and now a Solution
Feed The Poor
Green Earth
COVID19 Resources