With Coding, helping India donate stronger & fight hunger. An initiative by icrewsystems.
An initiative by icrewsystems
We've kept the app OSS so that anyone has the liberty to take part in the development.
A survey revealed that people are more empathetic to the poor, and are inclined to make a contribution via a donation. But, since there is no face to face interaction involved in online donation, the trust factor goes down significantly, and this overall discourages the person to donate large amount of money / any money at all.
Transparency! What if the donor is able to clearly see & track where their money is going? This will not only give the user a sense of trust, but it will also give a small sense of happiness to see who is getting benifitted out of their donation. The idea is to offer this solution to an NGO that is actively engaged in this type of work. More information on official website
Merge pull request #66 from icrewsystemsofficial/dhruv added whatsapp bot link ,edited crowdsourced resource page
changes in website/telegram and discord crowdsourced details
changes in details of insta crowdsourced links
commit after downloading the repo on 3/7
created ngo contact form, model
Production changes
Fix the algolia search index
Merge pull request #64 from icrewsystemsofficial/thirumalai2 COMPOSER INSTALL laravel scout extended added
scout keys changes
COMPOSER INSTALL scout extended added
Merge pull request #62 from icrewsystemsofficial/thirumalai2 Resource import feature
pulled from master
git ignore
imported laravel feedback component
Merge pull request #61 from icrewsystemsofficial/Dinesh Dinesh
points transaction module completed