
Test Driven Development in 2021 | Writing tests for software is NOT A WASTE OF YOUR TIME by Thirumalai Raj

denver Published on July 9, 2021

Software testing is a method of determining whether the actual software product meets the expected requirements and ensuring that the software product is free of defects. A properly tested software product ensures dependability, security, and high performance, which leads to time savings, cost effectiveness, and customer satisfaction.

Benefits of software testing 

#1 Saves you money 

 Testing throughout the development process of the software will save you money and time. The longer a bug goes undetected in your software, the more difficult and expensive it is to fix it. By employing software  testing, you will save time and money after deployment.

#2 Prevents catastrophic corporate emergenices 

With corporate software, the stakes are even higher. Bugs in corporate software can lead to system blackouts, missing data, and communication breakdowns. If you are employing software throughout a company or to handle sensitive information, you had better be sure that the software is going to work exactly how it needs to work.


#3 Satisfaction of the customer 

Software testing offers the prerequisite and perfect user experience. The primary objective of the owner of the products is to offer the best satisfaction of the customers. If you fail to give the same, users are going to find another product which will accomplish all the requirements. You can earn a reputation of reliable clients by using software testing.

#4 Easy while adding new features 

Tests counteract the tendency for code to calcify, making it difficult to change. As a new developer, changing older parts of your codebase can be terrifying, but with tests, you'll at least know if you've broken anything important. This helps in making your software stand ahead in the market, and beat the competition.

Types and Levels of Testing

Testing practices can be divided e.g. into white box and black box testing, where the former requires some knowledge of the source code, whereas the latter has only the user interface available. Integration testing is usually executed to make sure that new code added to version control does not break existing interfaces.

Test Automation 

Tests can be executed manually, but repetitive, scheduled tasks should be automated whenever possible.Most common test automation tools are Selenium and Robot Framework. Selenium can be used to simulate user input in several programming languages (Python, Java, Ruby, Javascript), on Linux, Mac and Windows platforms. Robot Framework's Selenium2Library utilizes the Python bindings of Selenium to enable using the capabilities of selenium via keywords.


Test Driven Development

Test Driven Development (TDD) is a software development practice that focuses on creating unit test cases before developing the actual code. The primary intention of this technique is to modify or write new code only if the tests fail. This prevents duplication of test scripts and allows developers to obtain optimized code.

Behavior Driven Development

Behavior-driven development is a testing practice that follows the idea of specification by example (e.g., Test-Driven Development [TDD]). The idea is to describe how the application should behave in a very simple user/business-focused language.  BDD’s business-focused perspective on application behavior allows teams to create living documentation that is easy to maintain and can be consumed by all team members, including testers, developers, and product owners.


With the aid of software testing, it is possible to monitor whether the software is compatible with your browser. In case, you gain success in finding any error, you will be able to rectify the same. This means that you will gain a high prominence slowly but gradually.

The entire staff of a software company should be involved in testing, not just the QA personnel. Quality assurance should be the core of software development 

effort. Sales personnel should be aware of the benefits of testing when they convince customers to pay for testing. Managers should always keep in mind the importance of testing.


denver Published on 2021-07-09 14:36:49